it’s all round sustainability

Spotlight on sustainability: Heuver wins bronze medal

It's time to pop the champagne because Heuver has recently been awarded the bronze medal for our sustainability performance! This prestigious recognition from EcoVadis places us in the top 35% of all EcoVadis-rated companies. EcoVadis is an international platform specializing in sustainability assessments, evaluating companies based on their environmental, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement practices. And as if that weren't enough, we are even ranked second in North-East Netherlands among all ING clients. But why did we win this award? Let's look at some of our sustainable initiatives.

At Heuver, we find it essential to minimize the ecological footprint of our tire production and trading. Our processes are designed to be as sustainable as possible from start to finish, with attention to our employees and future generations. Our goal is to use tires as responsibly as possible and get the most out of them.

Sustainability at the forefront of our house brands

Our house brands, Aeolus and Albourgh, are strongly focused on sustainability. Aeolus produces tires using the latest methods known as AGT – Aeolus Green Tyre. This approach saves raw materials, reduces pollution, and lowers fuel costs. Thanks to a modified production method free of toxic components, from raw materials and production processes to waste management, Aeolus complies with the REACH program (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals).

Albourgh boasts a high-tech factory where everything is automated and robotized. This factory uses energy and raw materials more efficiently, resulting in less waste. Improved quality control leads to fewer defects and rework, enhancing efficiency and conserving raw materials. Robots work consistently and accurately, operating without breaks, thus optimizing energy and resource use.

Albourgh's casing guarantee focuses on sustainability and cost-efficiency

In our pursuit of a more sustainable future and mobility, we have introduced our most sustainable truck tires from Albourgh. These new tires are specifically designed for carriers, offering reliability and cost-efficiency without compromising performance. The Albourgh casing guarantee demonstrates that environmental friendliness and sustainability pay off.

With our casing guarantee, we purchase casings suitable for reuse and recycle non-reusable casings, allowing steel and rubber to be reused. This saves carriers money since about 70% of tires can be reused, which is cheaper than buying new ones. This directly contributes to better profitability and cost-efficiency for businesses.

Unique stock of used tires

In many situations, used tires still perform excellently, and new ones are not necessarily required. Used tires can be an ideal solution for equipment frequently driving over grassland, where too much tread can damage the surface. They can also serve as an interim solution if you are still contemplating investing in new tires. This ensures optimal use of the tire and significantly extends its lifespan, benefiting both you and the environment. We also accept your used tires, give them a second life where possible, and dispose of them as environmentally friendly as possible if not.

At Heuver, we also have a stock of over 500 used agricultural tires and rims, ranging from 8 to 54 inches. This stock, from our warehouse in Hardenberg (NL), is replenished daily, giving us a unique position in the European market.

Heuver's sustainability initiatives and ambitions

At Heuver, we are actively committed to sustainability because we believe in a green future. At our headquarters in Hardenberg, we currently use 3,600 solar panels—a record number in the region. This location is almost energy-neutral. Additionally, we consciously choose vehicles for our fleet that cause minimal environmental harm. We are already actively engaged in sustainable business practices, from selecting our tire assortment to executing our business processes.

We have also invested in electric forklifts and charging stations and use 100% green electricity. We continue to develop with the support of Sustainability Advisor Manfred Rudolf. This bronze medal is also great news for all our customers, partners, and suppliers; Heuver remains demonstrably sustainable. In the coming period, we will focus on further optimizations and improvements to elevate our sustainability performance. We aim to make the most eco-friendly choices in every step of our production process and continue to innovate. Together with our partners and suppliers, we will work towards a sustainable future. On to gold!